Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Greetings all

I started this blog to detail and share my experiences as I undertake my first (very ambitious) cosplay.  I've been a longtime nerd, but ever since high school I just haven't had as much time to indulge.  And despite living in ATL for 15 years, I've never been to DragonCon even once.  My buddies at The Big Bang Life convinced me to attend, but I would definitely need a kickass cosplay to go.

I initially thought about going as Rufio or MegaMan.  There were plenty of good Rufio costumes I saw on the internet, but very few really good MegaMan costumes.  The best one was the example below.  The costume is sleek and looks plastic and shiny like it should.  Many of the bad costumes I saw were fabric or just looked like some guy wearing blue spandex.

My big innovative idea was to do a classic MegaMan 2 costume in plastic, WITH a skateboard modded into a RushJet.  Very ambitious, but I think it could definitely win a Best in Show if I pull it off.  With about 2 months left until DragonCon, it's very ambitious but we'll see how it goes.  I am modelling my build off the new SmashBros MegaMan since it's classic, rounded, but also proportioned with the distinct shape of MegaMan.  Wish me luck!

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